Wednesday, December 12, 2007


My ICT teacher has created a Digital Cameras Survey webpage. It includes various types of cameras, the prices and where you can purchase them in Vancouver.

Click here to visit the Digital Cameras Survey


On this webpage, you can view the camera I have recieved for Christmas; the camera is a Sony DSCW55 Cyber-Shot.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I have applied Google Analytics to my blog!
I have had this program on my blog for about a week.
I currently have a total of 29 people visit my blog.
I have had 2 people visit my blog from the Philippines and 27 people from Canada!
Hopefully more people will visit my blog!

Friday, November 16, 2007

One Laptop Per Child

Nicholas Negroponte, an MIT professor, has created the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) organization. Their goal is to provide children in developing countries the opportunity to each have their own low-cost laptop.

Our ICT 12 class is considering to put together our money and purchase one of these laptops. We plan on taking part of the "buy two, keep one" proposal; we will try to purchase two, and in return we get to keep one laptop.

Friday, September 21, 2007

First Entry


In ICT 12, I will be working with several programming languages. The program we will be working with is Turbo Pascal.